Object Orient

You twill find define a type in elz is easy.


Add a ability for a type is also easy.

type Car (
  name: str
  p: num

impl Car {
  name() -> str {
    return self.name
  price() -> num {
    return self.price

fn main() {
  let c = Car(name: "Tesla", p: 100000)
  println("{c.name()}") // "Tesla"
  println("{c.price()}") // 100000

So easy, right.

Elz has a strict syntax. You can not trying to access properties of type.

This part will be more clear when we go to module.


trait is requirement of type method.

trait machine {

That's mean, if you impl this trait. You have to impl a method call work()

type car (
    name: str
    price: num

impl car: machine {
    work() { /* ... */ }

What about exportor?

In elz, if trait say that should be export, then impl have to follow it as unexport it.

trait Format {
  +string() -> str

type Worker (
  name: str
  salary: num

impl Worker: Format {
  +string() -> str {
    return name + salary.toStr()
  // string() -> str this won't work, obviously it won't work. 

results matching ""

    No results matching ""