
matrix type is an interesting type.

we want to add two matrix

0 0 1 2 1 2

    +          =   

2 1 4 3 6 4

But if a 2 3 matrix add a 3 4 matrix? It should be error.

But how to do that?

In elz, operator is a special function.

So let's define Matrix's add

fn +(lv: Matrix, rv: Matrix) -> Matrix { ... }

It can not solve the problem we meet.

We want to limit the x & y of Matrix.

fn +<x: int, y: int>(lv: Matrix<x, y>, rv: Matrix<x, y>) -> Matrix<x, y> { ... }

If this can work, then problem already done. Thanks Idris, it inspired me about this.

So generic should became template. I will try it.

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